On Thursday, April 4, 2019, over 80 men gathered at The Queensbury Hotel to hear our very own Adirondack CBMC Executive Director, Michael Bittel, share his life testimony.  Michael shared from his heart how the Lord used Godly women in his life to ground him and point him to Christ on many occasions.  This was important to Michael as the lure and promise of earthly riches and material possessions caused him levels of distraction in life that would ultimately cost him his first marriage.  Life’s lessons are often the hardest and this loss was no exception.  God had a plan for Michael and His timing and purpose are always perfect as clearly evidenced by a second chance in marriage.  Blessed by this opportunity for a new beginning with Wendy, his wife, and by the birth of two boys that followed, Christian and Reagan, Michael committed to not squander these important relationships.  Michael challenged the men in attendance to establish clear priorities in accordance with Ephesians chapter 5 to include: 1) honoring your wife by lifting her up above yourself, making her your first love after God; 2) being an example for your children as to how to be a Godly husband; 3) and focusing on being a loving, Godly parent to your children.  With these priorities in check, God demonstrated his faithfulness to Michael and his family through business success (Co-CEO of The King Arthur Flour Company and the blessing of an early retirement) which has ultimately enabled him to live life differently – in the spirit and capacity of being a servant to others where he has the daily joy and privilege of positively influencing his community, his local and state governments and the many people that he interacts with along the path.  Thank you Michael for keeping it real by showing your humanity and by being a great example for men including those who have the joy of serving alongside you at Adirondack CBMC.