March 21st Meeting with Ben Deeb
Benjamin Deeb has committed his life to changing the culture of corrections and instituting change for incarcerated individuals. His passion follows 24 years of active addiction, 10 years of which were spent in and out of jails and prisons. A Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) and a Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CARC), Ben works for the Prevention Council/Healing Springs Recovery Center as Staff Supervisor and in the Saratoga County jail leading the Incarcerated Peer Recovery Initiative supporting individuals seeking recovery. He also sits on the board for Recovery Advocacy In Saratoga (RAIS) and regularly organizes and speaks at conferences and forums addressing the stigma and awareness around substance use disorders.
Prior to Ben’s commitment to his life’s work, Ben committed his life to Christ following his inability to overcome addiction in his own strength. A spark was ignited when he read a Man’s Search for Meaning by holocaust survivor, Viktor E. Frankl, and his life was changed when he began to read the Bible provided him by the Celebrate Recovery ministry. Ben’s supporting cast includes his wife, Martina Deeb, his 13-year-old son, Zander Deeb, and Pastor Mark Keher who has faithfully discipled Ben over the last 5 years.